Chapter 16.08 DEFINITIONS
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 16.08.010 Generally.
- 16.08.020 Condominium.
- 16.08.030 Conversion.
- 16.08.040 Cross-slope.
- 16.08.050 Cul-de-sac.
- 16.08.060 Design.
- 16.08.070 Environmental impact report (EIR).
- 16.08.080 Erosion.
- 16.08.090 Final map.
- 16.08.100 Flooding.
- 16.08.110 General plan.
- 16.08.120 Grading.
- 16.08.130 Hillside area.
- 16.08.135 Type I and Type II subdivisions—Minimum lot frontage and minimum lot area.
- 16.08.140 Improvement.
- 16.08.150 Loop street.
- 16.08.160 Lot.
- 16.08.170 Lot line adjustment.
- 16.08.180 Major street (arterial).
- 16.08.190 Map act.
- 16.08.200 Merger.
- 16.08.210 Minor streets.
- 16.08.220 Owner.
- 16.08.230 Parcel map.
- 16.08.240 Peripheral street.
- 16.08.250 Secondary streets (collector).
- 16.08.260 Street.
- 16.08.270 Subdivider.
- 16.08.280 Subdivision.
- 16.08.290 Tentative map.
- 16.08.300 Zoning ordinance.